Strange problem when debugging CSLA: "There is no source code available for the current location"Strange problem when debugging CSLA: "There is no source code available for the current location"
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stefan posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008
I receive a "There is no source code available for the current location" when I debug the Fetching of an object.
This is only happening with one specific class.
I am using CSLA 3.5.2 (from the repository) and am working with .NET 3.5 SP1.
Here is where I enter debugging...
Protected Friend Shared Function GetMyCustomer(ByVal id As Guid) As MyCustomer
If Not CanGet() Then
Throw New System.Security.SecurityException("User not authorized to view Customer")
End If
Return DataPortal.Fetch(Of MyCustomer)(New Criteria(id, New MyLockingObject))
End Function
It reaches the first ctor of LateBoundObject...
public LateBoundObject(Type objectType)
: this(MethodCaller.CreateInstance(objectType))
{ }
It even processes CreateInstance... (the ctor of MyCustomer runs)
public static object CreateInstance(Type objectType)
var ctor = GetCachedConstructor(objectType);
if (ctor == null)
throw new NotImplementedException("Default constructor " + Resources.MethodNotImplemented);
return ctor.Invoke();
But it never reaches the actual constructor of LateBoundObject... presenting the above message
public LateBoundObject(object instance)
this.Instance = instance;
Could it be that improper use of managed properties can lead to that behaviour?
I only have managed properties in MyCustomer.vb, so I think I can get away without
the _dummy member in the in-between classes...
Other objects, that do not use managed properties don't show this behaviour.
I read about a problem with the .NET 3.5 SP1 symbol files, which are not yet available,
but the code I am having trouble with, comes out of csla.dll, and is not SP1 related.
Any ideas?
thaehn replied on Thursday, August 28, 2008
Have you built the CSLA DLLs since you updated the source code? If yes, then try choosing "Rebuild" insted of "Build" and see if that resolves your issues.
stefan replied on Thursday, August 28, 2008
Normally I choose "Cleanup Code" and then do a "Rebuild".
I have rebuilt the csla.dll and even updated the references in all of my projects.
I have removed the managed property...
And I finally replaced all references with a reference to a csla.dll built from the official 3.5.1 download.
But I still have the same issue!?
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