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Wbmstrmjb posted on Friday, August 29, 2008
What is the current DAL-du-jour for CSLA 2.0? We really can't go to 3.0 right now because our deployment will be to a box that has .NET 2.0 and that isn't negotiable. So we're sticking with CSLA 2.0 for this one. I have read about Active Objects in many a post and blog but the site is no longer active. Is that a good DAL or is it no longer used? If it is, where do you find it? Is there something else out there that works well with CSLA and is the current popular tool?
Sidenote: needs to work with Oracle. I know some are SQL Server specific.
Fintanv replied on Friday, August 29, 2008
I used ActiveObjects in a CSLA 1.1 project. I did not use any DAL functionality but I think it just had support for some straight sql calls for populating read only look-ups. I used ActiveObjects because it implemented the Observer pattern so child objects could communicate up the parent hierarchy. An 'old school' PropertyHasChanged, if you will.
Why not look at the MS EntLib for you DAL needs? Personally I would still isolate my DAL calls to an intermediate class so I would not be dependant on any specific technology, and then back that with the EntLib DAL, straight ADO.net, ODP.net etc.
JonnyBee replied on Sunday, August 31, 2008
Look at Subsonic - works fine with .Net 2.0, open-source and multiple databases.
You should also be using CSLA 3.0.4 which works fine on .Net 2.0 (even without SP1).
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