BindingSource - Relationships

BindingSource - Relationships

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AndyW posted on Friday, September 05, 2008


I am using Janus MultiCheckBoxList and cannot get it to work with Csla. 

Below is some sample code of how it would work with a dataset, I just cannot get it to work with BindingSource control, my problem is with the relationship between the BindingSource data controls.

Please can someone point me in the right direction.

Public Class Form1


    Private dataSet As DataSet


    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load



    End Sub


    Private Sub CreateDummyData()


        'Creating a DataSet with two tables: Contacts and Categories

        'with a many-to-many relation

        'using the auxiliary table Contacts-Categories


        dataSet = New DataSet()

        'Create table: "Contacts"

        Dim contacts As New DataTable("Contacts")

        contacts.Columns.Add("ContactId", GetType(Integer))

        contacts.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))

        contacts.Columns.Add("Phone", GetType(String))

        contacts.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {contacts.Columns("ContactId")}


        'Create table: "Categories"

        Dim categories As New DataTable("Categories")

        categories.Columns.Add("CategoryId", GetType(Integer))

        categories.Columns.Add("CategoryName", GetType(String))

        categories.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {categories.Columns("CategoryId")}


        'Create intermediate table "ContactCategories"

        Dim contactCategories As New DataTable("ContactCategories")

        contactCategories.Columns.Add("ContactId", GetType(Integer))

        contactCategories.Columns.Add("CategoryId", GetType(Integer))

        contactCategories.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {contactCategories.Columns("ContactId"), contactCategories.Columns("CategoryId")}







        'Define relations between tables

        dataSet.Relations.Add("Contacts_ContactCategories", contacts.Columns("ContactId"), contactCategories.Columns("ContactId"))

        dataSet.Relations.Add("Categories_ContactCategories", categories.Columns("CategoryId"), contactCategories.Columns("CategoryId"))



        'Adding sample data

        contacts.Rows.Add(1, "Paul Wagner", "(466) 123-5532")

        contacts.Rows.Add(2, "Stephanie Welles", "(423) 324-9836")

        contacts.Rows.Add(3, "James Jones", "(432) 566-8814")


        categories.Rows.Add(1, "Family")

        categories.Rows.Add(2, "Business")

        categories.Rows.Add(3, "Personal")

        categories.Rows.Add(4, "VIP")

        categories.Rows.Add(5, "Customers")

        categories.Rows.Add(6, "Suppliers")


        'Paul Wagner belongs to categories 2, 4 and 5

        contactCategories.Rows.Add(1, 2)

        contactCategories.Rows.Add(1, 4)

        contactCategories.Rows.Add(1, 5)

        'Stephanie Welles belongs to category 1

        contactCategories.Rows.Add(2, 1)

        'James Jones Belongs to categories 2 and 6

        contactCategories.Rows.Add(3, 2)

        contactCategories.Rows.Add(3, 6)


    End Sub

    Private Sub BindCategoriesCombo()

        'Set the datasource of the dropdown

        Me.editCategories.DropDownDataSource = dataSet.Tables("Categories")

        Me.editCategories.DropDownValueMember = "CategoryId"

        Me.editCategories.DropDownDisplayMember = "CategoryName"


        'Call RetrieveStructure to create the columns:



        'Set the datasource of the list of values that appear checked in the dropdown


        Me.editCategories.ValuesDataSource = dataSet

        'DataMember must be equal to the name of the parent dataTable plus the name of the relation

        Me.editCategories.ValuesDataMember = "Contacts.Contacts_ContactCategories"

        'Now, define which field in the list of values will be used as value

        Me.editCategories.ValueItemDataMember = "CategoryID"

    End Sub


End Class

justin.fisher replied on Friday, September 05, 2008

I used to hate when people would make posts like this when I first started using CSLA . . . . . but it seems like the most appropriate thing to do here.

I would recommend you read Chapter 6: Databinding of the "Using CSLA.NET 3.0" ebook.  It will explain how to create a bindingsource on a windows form from a business object and, more importantly, how to properly interact with the bindingsource. 

Based on your question, I predict this book will pay for itself today in saved time.

AndyW replied on Friday, September 05, 2008


Thank you for your suggestion, however I have read the eBooks and all the other books. 

I haven't had any problems with databinding before, my grids, text boxes and a multitude of other controls bind correctly, I just cannot get get it to work with this Janus Muli Select Check Box.

Your are correct in the book paying for itself though :-)


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