Hi all,
In my current applicaton i have to provide multi language support. I noticed that for Common Validation Rules of CSLA we no more can provide custom validation message in 3.0+ versions, am i right? Do CSLA provides such support internally? If yes than i think i will require resource files for those languages. If no please suggest how to implement this.
Thanks in advance.
The rule methods in CommonRules have always used description strings from the Csla.dll resource files. They have never been customizable through code.
You can implement your own rule methods, and customize the description text in any way you choose.
Hi Rocky,
Thanks for your reply. So that means i need not to worry about language things. CSLA will take care of in which language it should display the messages depending upon the current culture selected? It seems meaningful to me as i located resource files in diff languages in properties folder.
The .NET framework changes which resource file is used based on
the UICulture setting of your application’s thread.
Generous people from around the world have, from time to time,
contributed translations of the default US English resources into many other
Some of those resource files are up to date (for 3.0 anyway, and
maybe 3.5). Others are fairly old.
If there is a translation for a description, it will be used
automatically by .NET. If there is not a translation, the US English
description is the default.
If you find a missing translation, and wish to supply an updated
resx file, I will include it in future versions of the framework.
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