{"The channel 'HttpBinary' is already registered."} Error

{"The channel 'HttpBinary' is already registered."} Error

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/542.aspx

Misled posted on Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I'm getting this error I suspect because I am running CSLA 2.0.2 and 1.1 in the same application. I was hoping to do this while I was upgrading the app. As I recall, 1.1 cache's the remoting connection. If the 2.0.2 version then tries to open another, this is creating this cituation. Is that correct? Is there a way around it? I guess I could use the web service interface without issue couldn't I (I haven't tested that yet)? Any input would be greatly appreciated......

pelinville replied on Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Actually it is something within the .NET framework.  I don't claim to understand it fully but once you have registered a channel it cannot be registered again. 
What I do is check to see if the channel has been registered and if not then register it. 
Just because it is registered doesn't mean you can't use multiple remoted objects from varios servers. 

Misled replied on Wednesday, July 05, 2006

How would I access that channel that is open in the 1.1 version of CSLA  from 2.0.2 version of CSLA. I really don't want to modify the framework code. But I guess I could.....

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