NameValueList and ComboBox.

NameValueList and ComboBox.

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shahram posted on Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I have a NameValueList ConatactTypes and I use it to populate a combobox like this:

combobox .ValueMember = "key";

combobox .DisplayMember = "value";

combobox .DataSource = ConatactTypes ;


so far so good!

then in Edit Customer form I have the customer rootobject as datasource for form that has a ContactTypeID and

I do like this:

this.combobox .DataBindings.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("SelectedValue", this._CustomerBindingSource, "ContactTypeID", true));

now I expect that combobox shows the item with selectedvalue set to Customer.ContacttypeID but it is nat the case selectedvale is null.

I have done 10000 way and it just doesn't work .

So somebody knows what I must do?


dcb replied on Thursday, July 06, 2006

I have gotten around this be setting the blank values id to zero.



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