UserID and Password for Demo project

UserID and Password for Demo project

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SolarEnergy posted on Thursday, September 25, 2008


I am new to

I studied the com version of csla in the past, but I am relatively new and still little bit uncomfortable with C#.Net

So I thought that as an Introduction, it would be good to just follow the code step-by-step using the Demo Client project (projecttracker).

Now. What login info do I need to use?

I tried anything (like admin/admin) and I am getting an unhandled exception on a Fetch operation (or so I think). It is not returning any specific message (such as login failed, or wrong userID/password). Just an unhandled exception. Is it normal?

I mean, should not invalid credential be trapped as such and reported back as what it really is?


RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, September 25, 2008

What is the exception? Odds are that you missed a step in the install doc from, and are missing some bit of configuration or setup around a web site or server.

admin/admin is a valid login. So is pm/pm and super/super for the different roles discussed in Chapter 6.

SolarEnergy replied on Friday, September 26, 2008

The exception would be DataPortal.Fetch failed.

Last item in the call stack would be:
>    Csla.dll!Csla.DataPortal.Fetch(object criteria = {ProjectTracker.Library.Security.PTIdentity.Criteria}) Line 173    C#

You're probably right since I did not perform any particular installation tasks.



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