ComboBox and NameValueListItems

ComboBox and NameValueListItems

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Tim FOrd posted on Thursday, July 06, 2006

Morning All,

I have a question and was wondering if this might be possible. I have a readonly property which returns a string from a lookup list and writeonly property which accepts the key/id

        Public WriteOnly Property LevelID() As System.Guid
            Set(ByVal value As System.Guid)
                If Not _LevelID.Equals(value) Then
                    _LevelID = value
                End If
            End Set
        End Property

        Public ReadOnly Property Level() As System.String
                Call CanReadProperty(True)
                Return Lookups.GetLookupValue(_LevelID)
            End Get
        End Property

What i would like to do is bind the combobox to the lookups namevaluelistitems which populates it with lookups. When i load the form it populates the lookups items set the value of the combobox to the property of Level (property) and when i change the value write the selected id/key value to LevelID. I'm sure this is possible in code but was really wondering if i can do this using the bound controls that csla uses.

Thanks in advance, Tim.

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