I've somehow managed to create a rule that contains no arguments 0_o. thus, in the GetRuleDescriptions() method of ValidationRules.cs, the uri of the rule is an empty string and throws an index out of range exception in the RuleDescription constructor like so:
public RuleDescription(string ruleString){
Uri uri = new Uri(ruleString);_scheme = uri.GetLeftPart(
UriPartial.Scheme);_methodName = uri.Host;
_propertyName = uri.LocalPath.Substring(1);
string args = uri.Query;_arguments =
new Dictionary<string, string>(); string[] argArray = args.Split('&'); foreach (string arg in argArray){
string[] argParams = arg.Split('=');_arguments.Add(
Uri.UnescapeDataString(argParams[0]), Uri.UnescapeDataString(argParams[1])); //right here!!}
I think I'm setting up the rule incorrectly to begin with, i don't think i'm using the RuleHandler delegate correctly, though I tried duping the ProjectTracker StartDate EndDate example of a custom rule. here's my code, any help is greatly appreciated!!!!
static bool CodeOrText<T>(T target, Csla.Validation.
RuleArgs e) where T : CodesCriteria{
if (!DoMyValidation()){
e.Description =
"My description"; return false;}
return true;}
Please show the code from AddBusinessRules where you add this rule.
ah sorry! I meant to include that
CodesCriteria>(CodeOrText<CodesCriteria>, "Code");ValidationRules.AddDependantProperty(
"Code", "Text", true);It should be
ValidationRules.AddRule<CodesCriteria>(CodeOrText, “Code”);
I don’t know if that’ll fix your problem, but I
suspect the second generic type is a problem.
Thanks for the reply. No unfortunately that didn't solve the problem. Sadly, my slim knowledge and understanding of delegates has made this hard for me to overcome.
A little more info that might shine some light on things: GetRuleDescriptions() is getting called from a Custom Control I built. It is getting called during the CreateChildControls() method of that Custom Control and calls (via reflection) a private static method of the CodesCriteria class like so:
static string[] GetRuleDescriptions(){
return new CodesCriteria().ValidationRules.GetRuleDescriptions();}
I'm not sure if this order of event would affect things or not. As far as I can tell, this is irrelevant, as this control works fine with other common rules and such, it's only this attempt at a custom rule that it throws up.
EDIT: Yet another interesting piece of information.... the Target property of RuleMethod.Handler is null even after the rule has been invoked inside RuleMethod.cs.... is that normal?
I would break that code up into separate lines so you can establish (with the debugger) exactly what is failing. Make sure it is CSLA not returning the rule, not your code failing to process it properly.
The query part of the rule:// URI comes from the RuleArgs object.
If you have a custom RuleArgs subclass you need to override
ToString() to provide a meaningful value.
Perhaps somehow you don’t have a valid RuleArgs object?
From: decius
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 9:16 AM
To: rocky@lhotka.net
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] RE: RuleHandler Delegate
Thanks for your reply Rocky. Yes, I have even tried
calling GetRuleDescriptions directly from the UI after the object gets
created. when stepping through the code with the debugger, everything
appears to make sense. However, when Csla tries to read the Query string
value of the rule Uri, Uri.Query ends up null for each of these custom
rules. I notice that this exception is not handled here, so I assume that
custom rules should still end up with a Uri.Query value, is this
correct?? if so what would determine that value?
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