Yes, you can do this pretty easily.
The key is to construct a System.Type object from the class name. There may be other ways, but I have done this by first building a string that can be resolved into a classname, which is in the format:
(For example, "Csla.Core.BusinessBase,Csla")
Then you can use the System.Type functions to retrieve an actual type object. The above class is probably abstract so you can't instantiate it, but any concrete class would work. You can also reflect on static methods in the class (e.g. if you had a class factory method like Create() or GetList()). You can use Activator.CreateInstance() to construct actual object using the System.Type value.
string strClassName = "Csla.Core.BusinessBase,Csla";System.
Type aType = System.Type.GetType(strClassName, false, true);rsbaker0,
Thank you for quick response. I will appreciate a little bit more details, since as I said reflection is not my strong part (I've never worked with reflection before). The constructor for CSLA object is protected so I cannot instatiate the object with constructor but with a static method providing criteria (parameters) to fetch data. This part is pretty fogy for me, or beter said the syntax to invoke the get and invoke the method from CSLA object instantiated using reflection:
Activator.CreateInstance(_type, True)Actually what I need explanation of following syntax:
System.Type _type = System.Type.GetType(strClassName, false, true);
Object o = null;
MethodInfo mi = null;
mi = _type.GetMethod(strMethodName, BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.CreateInstance, Nothing, New Type() {_type}, Nothing)
o = mi.Invoke(oList, new object[] {criteria});
The syntax might be wrong but whatever I've tried didn't work or I don't see neither know how to fill in the blanks.
Rocky has a MethodCaller in the CSLA infrastructure -- it would be worthwhile to look at it.
If you are manufacturing or retreiving object, usually you would be calling a static method.
For simple scenarios, you don't have to retrieve the MethodInfo. You can invoke the member by name.
Here are some examples (sorry it's C#).
obj = ObjectType.InvokeMember("Get", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object[] { currentVal });Or an entire function that calls GetEditableRootList (my static method) for a set of criteria:
public static IList GetEditableRootList(Type aType, string strFilter, string strSort, int pageSize, int pageIndex, params object[] parameters)
return (IList)aType.InvokeMember("GetEditableRootList", BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object[] { strFilter, strSort, pageSize, pageIndex, parameters});}
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