MS Wpf Datagrid

MS Wpf Datagrid

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ajj3085 posted on Thursday, October 23, 2008


I thought I read that MS was releasing their own WPF datagrid (finally!) with 3.5SP1.  If they have.. can anyone tell me where it is??


Curelom replied on Thursday, October 23, 2008

Not quite.  It was to be released outside of the normal .NET Framework ship cycle.  They have actually put it on codeplex and it is still in CTP.

ajj3085 replied on Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ahh..  well at least it's coming.  Thanks for the info.

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, October 23, 2008

And it appears to have some issues with CSLA because they aren't (currently) conforming to the Windows Forms behaviors around IEditableObject, etc.

So I encourage you to use it, find the quirks, and report them to Microsoft so they can (hopefully) address any issues.

It is also possible that CSLA will need to accomodate the WPF grid behaviors too. And ultimately I can see a day (not too far off?) where CSLA will have to stop supporting Windows Forms in order to support WPF. That would be sad, but is a likely outcome if WPF continues to diverge from the established Windows Forms behaviors for interfaces and events.

ajj3085 replied on Thursday, October 23, 2008


I'm really not sure what to do. Unfortunately the Xceed grid doesn't support IDataErrorInfo (well, not the free version).  We have purchased the Infragistics NetAdvantage, and their grid is mostly working except for this issue.  Then finally the MS grid is still in CTP mode...

I think I'm going to finish up other areas and come back to this..

It's interesting though, because I had gotten the impression that WinForms databinding as overly strict (and/or broken) and you prefered Wpf's databinding.

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, October 23, 2008

I do prefer WPF’s data binding, as it is simpler.


However, part of the reason it is simpler is because there’s no grid control :)


So as the grid control becomes reality in WPF, it complicates WPF data binding too.


In short, grid controls are the source of much pain… And right now in WPF they are the source of a LOT of pain because Microsoft doesn’t have one to set the standard. So the third party vendors have been (to some degree) making things up as they go – which is clearly a mess.



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