CSLA Web App with EnterpriseLibraries

CSLA Web App with EnterpriseLibraries

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/5697.aspx

MTmace posted on Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I have setup a web application using Microsoft's EnterpriseLibrary, specifically the Logging library, and CSLA 3.5.
I set up the application to use local IIS and not the Visual Studio Development Server so CSLA is working fine. However, when i try and write to the log file no file is generated.
If I use IIS webserver i can write to the log file but my CSLA objects fail.

Any ideas how to trouble shoot this problem?

MTmace replied on Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Problem fixed.
The issue had nothing to do with CSLA but the fact that I was running with IIS.
I needed to change the permissions on the directory that was defined as my log path.

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