New Csla.Core.BusinessBase event clarification

New Csla.Core.BusinessBase event clarification

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vdhant posted on Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hi guys

I have just looking in Csla.Core.BusinessBase and I am wondering what is the difference between the following 2 methods (see below). I know that unhandled_UnhandledAsyncException get hooked up to the UnhandledAsyncException event via OnAddEventHooksInternal and OnRemoveEventHooksInternal (note this is the only reference to unhandled_UnhandledAsyncException in the code base). But Child_UnhandledAsyncException doesn't get called by anything - the only reference in the whole code base to Child_UnhandledAsyncException is in the method signature.

To me it seems like these are suppose to be the same method and the current Child_UnhandledAsyncException should be removed and the current unhandled_UnhandledAsyncException refactored to be Child_UnhandledAsyncException.

Here is the code in question:
    void Child_UnhandledAsyncException(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e)

    void unhandled_UnhandledAsyncException(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e)

Note if this is an issue then the same problem exists for busy_BusyChanged and Child_BusyChanged.


RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I'll take a look at this, thanks!

vdhant replied on Wednesday, November 05, 2008


vdhant replied on Thursday, November 06, 2008

I think that I might have found another posible issue. The LoadManager property between BusinessBase and ReadOnlyBase is different.

    internal AsyncLoadManager LoadManager
        if (_loadManager == null)
          _loadManager = new AsyncLoadManager();
          _loadManager.BusyChanged += new BusyChangedEventHandler(loadManager_BusyChanged);
        return _loadManager;

    internal AsyncLoadManager LoadManager
        if (_loadManager == null)
          _loadManager = new AsyncLoadManager();
          _loadManager.BusyChanged += new BusyChangedEventHandler(loadManager_BusyChanged);
          _loadManager.UnhandledAsyncException += new EventHandler<ErrorEventArgs>(loadManager_UnhandledAsyncException);

        return _loadManager;

To me the ReadOnlyBase version seems more correct, but there may be a reason why you have done it this way.


RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, November 06, 2008

Thanks, I’ll add this to the list too.



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