Object Binding (grid) to a Clone exception

Object Binding (grid) to a Clone exception

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/578.aspx

Nicholas Trevatt posted on Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hi there,

If I clone my customer object which has child collections (phones, emails etc.) using BusinessBase.Clone() and then try to bind the cloned version to my form (which has grids bound to the child collections) I get an exception from the grid.  I have narrowed the problem down to a particular column which is a ComboBoxColumn with a DataSource pointing to a list of custom lookup objects. Everything is marked <Serializable()>.  What mystifies me is that the original object binds fine but the clone raises exceptions during the grid binding process which leads me to the conclusion that serializing doesn't actually grab everything thats essential? 

I have worked out a workaround for this at present but would really like to know why the clone is different.  Any ideas?


RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What is the exception?

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