I've having trouble discovering the actual type of a generic parameter from an instance (or the type of an instance) of a nested class. Here is short example:
class G<T>
public class NestedC { }
public enum NestedEnum { A, B }
class Derived : G<Derived>
public static void Test()
NestedC X = new NestedC();
Type c = X.GetType();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Type is " + c.FullName);
Calling Derived.Test() produces this output:
Type is G`1+NestedC[[Derived, TestAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]
Clearly, the actual type of T is known since it shows up in the name here. However, I really can't see how to get the type "Derived" programmatically. If I using DeclaringType, then I get:
FullName = "G`1"
And then trying to get the generic arguments gives me "T", not the actual type.
Can anyone help me resolving the actual type here?
How about:
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Result: " + c.GetGenericArguments()[0].Name);
That works. Thanks!
(I saw that method, but was confused because ContainsGenericParameters was false. Evidently that is used for something else)
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