Dear Rocky,
I purchased this book through alpha program and downloaded avl chapters. In avl chapters, all avl chapters are in sequence except 4th and 10th chapter are missing. Is this numbering problem or these will be avl later.
Pls advs.
Not to mention having to open 17 individual files and entering my email address everytime :-). I was surprised there wasn't a single contiguous file or is that to help discourage *sharing*?
I'm assuming Rocky you don't want to hear about errors/typos either at this point? I got the sense there is a newer revision pending.
Unfortunately I think that all the chapters are now finalized,
so there’s probably no sense reporting errors/typos.
Of course what you are seeing is at least 2 steps behind in the
editing process. Yesterday someone sent me an email with an error in a chapter,
and I couldn’t even find a version that had the issue (but I only have
the last couple revisions on hand).
This book is on a fast-track from a publishing perspective, in
an attempt to compress the process so the book is out by the end of this year. That
makes the concept of getting feedback from the alpha program not so realistic for
this particular book. I’m sure feedback is more useful with books where a
more stately pace is maintained for the editing process.
(I’m also sure that authors maintain more sanity with a
more stately pace… I’ve been getting edit requests where the
requirement is “drop everything and answer this question to stay on
schedule”, which is pretty stressful :) )
Well so far the alpha is still very well written and informative and the mistakes I saw were blatently obvious cut/paste so it didn't take anything away from it.
You are an extremely gifted individual and I'm thankful for falling into this CSLA framework.
I am sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that Chapter 10 would
be instantly available. I don’t know how the publishing process works on
Apress’s end of things, and I’m sure that takes time. I’m
also sure that getting the book to the printing stage is a higher priority than
refreshing the alpha PDF content on the web site, because they have to meet
printing deadlines to get into the printing/shipping cycle of their printing
I was just saying that over this past weekend we (hopefully) finalized
Chapter 10.
From: Vinodonly
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] 4th & 10th Chapter of C# 2008 Alpha Program
FYI, I just chkd it again but situation is same. Same
chapters are avl and last updated date for chapters is showing Oct 13 / Oct 15
Thanks for updating. Yes, now both chapters are avl.
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