I am working on my first CSLA application using the new 3.6 release and the 'alpha' copy of the VS-2008 book.
PTTracker is working as advertised along with PTWeb. Great learning tool - reminds of Kernghan and Plauger Software Tools.
Have created my Security.dbml for the Dal and "copied code" from PTIdentity and PTPrincipal into my application. I then dragged [dbo].[Users] and [dbo].[Roles] from a test copy of my production SQL-Server 2005 database (not SQL-Express) The stored procedures (uspCSLA_<Method>) were dragged into the methods area of dbml.
Encountering a problem in the Identity class in the DataPortal_Fetch methods: ContextManager<SecurityDataContext>.
The type 'Application.DalLinq.Security.SecurityDataContext' cannot be used as type parameter 'C' in the generic type or method 'Csla.Data.ContextManager<C>'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'Application.DalLinq.Security.SecurityDataContext' to 'System.Data.Linq.DataContext'.
What step did I miss?
Problem was resolved by removing the CSLA reference and adding it back in again.
I'm having this same problem. I removed and readded the CSLA reference, but that didn't help.
GetManager works, but the context can't convert.
Added reference to system.data.linq
All is good.
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