Im wondering (again)..
Just to find out how LoadOnDemand, Paging and things can work in our new application rebuilded in WPF.
Just some information: We still are in a proof-of-concept fase trying out CSLA in combination with Prism. Sadly we are stuck with an old database named Pevasive. Using natural primairy keys. When working with child records those are always combined.
So i have at this moment 2 questions, but only asking 1 here.
How does CSLA recommend implimenting large lists in an WPF application.
- Why isn't there an SelectObjectArgs class in WPF?
WPF is far more like Windows Forms than it is like the web, and paging is handled very differently in a typical smart client app than in a web app.
Because a smart client is stateful, its is quite realistic to pull back data and keep it in memory, so many of the reasons for paging in the web simply don't apply in a smart client scenario. I suspect this is why WPF doesn't have similar paging constructs to the web.
Smart client apps that do paging usually use a grid control that does "virtualization", where the grid asks for pages of data as it needs them. The idea is that once a page has been requested, it is typically merged into some master list, so you never re-retrieve that data. Or, if retrieving the data is cheap, you might only keep that one page in memory - but that's less common.
The thing is, this tends to flow from the grid control, not WPF itself.
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