HELP - PropertyHasChanged causes user to press Tab twice to exit TextBox

HELP - PropertyHasChanged causes user to press Tab twice to exit TextBox

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andrewrajcoomar posted on Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I noticed a few other old posts on this issue, but didn't find a solution. My issue is PropertyHasChanged is forcing the user to press Tab twice to exit a textbox control when a change is made. I read in another post that a Null Exception caused by ValidationRules was the cause. I have commented out my validation rules, but that didn't help.

However, if I replace PropertyHasChanged with Me.IsDirty, then a single Tab works. This is not feasible, as I do need to CheckRules method called by PropertyHasChanged.

I am using CSLA Runtime Version v2.0.50727 (version on .Net 2.0 framework.

Hoping someone can help me out on this.






RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, December 11, 2008

You may consider upgrading to the latest 3.0.x version. That is compatible with .NET 2.0, and includes a lot of bug fixes around data binding. This issue sounds vaguely familiar, and I suspect it was addressed in 3.0.

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