OT: LINQ to SQL help
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MBursill posted on Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Slightly off topic post, but I hope somebody can help me with this.
I'm using the CSLA framework to do something similar to what Rocky described in a recent blog post: http://www.lhotka.net/weblog/PermissionbasedAuthorizationVsRolebasedAuthorization.aspx
Instead of calling them permissions, I call them tasks, but same thing.
I have three tables, Users, Roles, and Tasks. A user belongs to one or many roles, and a role belongs to one or many tasks. This of course results in many to many relationships between users and roles, plus roles and tasks. I used the tables UserRoles and RoleTasks to resolve the Many to Many's.
I'm using LINQ to SQL, and I want to avoid T-SQL (long story as to why, but it's not an option).
The SQL to grab a task when you know of the user is:
SELECT Tasks.TaskName
FROM Users INNER JOIN (Tasks INNER JOIN ((Roles INNER JOIN RoleTasks ON Roles.RoleName = RoleTasks.RoleName)
INNER JOIN UserRoles ON Roles.RoleName = UserRoles.RoleName) ON Tasks.TaskName = RoleTasks.TaskName) ON Users.Username = UserRoles.UserName
WHERE (((Users.Username)="admin"));
I'm absolutely lost as to how to do the equivalent LINQ expression against my LINQ to SQL entities. Can somebody point me in the right direction?
-Mike.KJosh replied on Thursday, December 18, 2008
Write Linq query like the below:
DatabaseContext ctx = new DatabaseContext();
var q = (from u in ctx.Users
Join t in Tasks on (your join conditions)
Join r in ctx.Roles on (your join conditions like t.col1 equals r.col1)
Join ur in ctx.UserRoles on new { ur.RoleName, ur.UserName} equals new { ur.RoleName, U.UserName}
Join rt in ctx.RoleTasks on t.TaskName equals rt.TaskName
Where u.UserName.Contains("admin")
select new { u.columnname, .... })
Hope this helps
MBursill replied on Monday, December 22, 2008
Thanks, I was able to figure it out from this. :-)
For anyone who's interested:
var data = from t in ctx.DataContext.Tasks
join rt in ctx.DataContext.RoleTasks on t.TaskName equals rt.TaskName
join r in ctx.DataContext.Roles on rt.RoleName equals r.RoleName
join ur in ctx.DataContext.UserRoles on r.RoleName equals ur.RoleName
join u in ctx.DataContext.Users on ur.Username equals u.Username
where u.Username == "admin"
select t;
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