OT: LINQ to SQL help

OT: LINQ to SQL help

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6011.aspx

MBursill posted on Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Slightly off topic post, but I hope somebody can help me with this.

I'm using the CSLA framework to do something similar to what Rocky described in a recent blog post: http://www.lhotka.net/weblog/PermissionbasedAuthorizationVsRolebasedAuthorization.aspx

Instead of calling them permissions, I call them tasks, but same thing.

I have three tables, Users, Roles, and Tasks. A user belongs to one or many roles, and a role belongs to one or many tasks. This of course results in many to many relationships between users and roles, plus roles and tasks. I used the tables UserRoles and RoleTasks to resolve the Many to Many's.

I'm using LINQ to SQL, and I want to avoid T-SQL (long story as to why, but it's not an option).

The SQL to grab a task when you know of the user is:

SELECT Tasks.TaskName
FROM Users INNER JOIN (Tasks INNER JOIN ((Roles INNER JOIN RoleTasks ON Roles.RoleName = RoleTasks.RoleName)
INNER JOIN UserRoles ON Roles.RoleName = UserRoles.RoleName) ON Tasks.TaskName = RoleTasks.TaskName) ON Users.Username = UserRoles.UserName
WHERE (((Users.Username)="admin"));

I'm absolutely lost as to how to do the equivalent LINQ expression against my LINQ to SQL entities. Can somebody point me in the right direction?



KJosh replied on Thursday, December 18, 2008

 Write Linq query like the below:
DatabaseContext ctx = new DatabaseContext();
var q = (from u in ctx.Users
    Join t in Tasks on (your join conditions)
    Join r in ctx.Roles on (your join conditions like t.col1 equals r.col1)
    Join ur in ctx.UserRoles on new { ur.RoleName, ur.UserName} equals new { ur.RoleName,     U.UserName}
    Join rt in ctx.RoleTasks on t.TaskName equals rt.TaskName
    Where u.UserName.Contains("admin")
    select new { u.columnname, .... })
Hope this helps

MBursill replied on Monday, December 22, 2008

Thanks, I was able to figure it out from this. :-)

For anyone who's interested:

var data = from t in ctx.DataContext.Tasks
           join rt in ctx.DataContext.RoleTasks on t.TaskName equals rt.TaskName
           join r in ctx.DataContext.Roles on rt.RoleName equals r.RoleName
           join ur in ctx.DataContext.UserRoles on r.RoleName equals ur.RoleName
           join u in ctx.DataContext.Users on ur.Username equals u.Username
           where u.Username == "admin"
           select t;


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