ServiceReference.ClientConfig errors.

ServiceReference.ClientConfig errors.

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PeterKisell posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I'm currently following the ADONetDataServicesSilverlightApp sample and creating my own application.

When I try to run the application I get the error Cannot find 'ServiceReferences.ClientConfig' in the .xap application package. I can't find this file anywhere in the project. When I choose Add Service Reference this is never created. I can't even find it in the ADONetDataServicesSilverLightApp sample either.

People has written that it doesn't get created for Silverlight Library, but for me it doesn't get created even when I try to Add Service Reference for the Silverlight application either.

Any tips anyone?

RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You can probably just grab that file from any of the other sample projects, change the wcf endpoint URL to match your server and it should work. You'll see that the file isn't complex - it is pretty much the same as any app.config or web.config in terms of how it works.

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