CSLA for asp.net 1.1 and required fields

CSLA for asp.net 1.1 and required fields

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6140.aspx

wsfaso posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I have recently been given some code by a client who's foundation is CSLA on ASP.NET 1.1.  I have one missing piece of integrating a new data panel and fields into the 'CSLA' base, (what should take 15 minutes has now gone beyond 8 hours)   The field object, text, combo boxes, etc.  are tied into Control_Validated and Data_Changed  my question is, where are the validators stored and what would be the CSLA code I am looking for.  How can I view existing items already stored in this CSLA validation table.  Am I looking SQL server side or a .dat table.  If the later, is their a viewer available to look at the contents of that table?

The codebase has no documentation.



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