The PropertyHasChanged method is causing me to have to press Tab twice to exit a textbox. If I replace PropertyHasChanged with MarkDirty, then I have the desired behavior (single Tab to exit field).
I have tried PropertyHasChanged with and without ValidationRules with no effect.
I am using CLSA.Net 2.1.4 and am still having this problem after upgrading from 2.0. I run ProjectTracker without this issue. I have compared by classes with similar projecttrascker classes and cannot see a difference.
Any help would be greatly appreciated (please don't tell me it fixed in 3.5 because it does not compile for .Net 2.0.)
This is fixed in 3.5 ;)
Fortunately it is also fixed in 3.0.5, which compiles fine for .NET 2.0 and is the current release for .NET 2.0.
Thanks for the quick reply, Rocky.
I must be missing something because I can't get CSLA 3.05 (Release 3.05-081009) to compile. I am on ASP.Net 2.0 framework. Do not have any WCF components installed.
I tried compiling ProjectTracker as well as the core solution cslavb, no success. I'm not allowed to upgrade .Net framework, right now, or install additional components.
There’s a page with instructions on about how to
compile CSLA 3.0 for .NET 2.0 – I can’t find it for you right now,
but it is easy enough.
From: andrewrajcoomar
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] Help - PropertyHasChanged method causes two
Tabs to exit field.
Thanks for the quick reply, Rocky.
I must be missing something because I can't get CSLA 3.05 (Release
3.05-081009) to compile. I am on ASP.Net 2.0 framework. Do not have any WCF
components installed.
I tried compiling ProjectTracker as well as the core solution cslavb, no
success. I'm not allowed to upgrade .Net framework, right now, or install
additional components.
Solution: GetValueID must always return a unique value (and not Nulll), during an Insert operation. So basically, I added an ID property of type GUID to my class and my problem was solved.
Originally I was returning my PK property, but that's null during an Insert because it's an identity column in SQL and is set to auto-increment.
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