Logic in report definitions vs. CSLA objectsLogic in report definitions vs. CSLA objects
Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6154.aspx
DancesWithBamboo posted on Wednesday, January 14, 2009
We are using the ReportViewer control to display some reports in asp.net. We are using CSLA read-only lists as the data source. On the report there is a column of dollar values and we want to display a "Grand Total" at the bottom.
I was wondering if there are any opinions out there as to whether this total value should be a property on the CSLA object and have the object contain the summation function; or just use a sum function on the report definition itself?
Do people treat the report designer as a dumb display of data that is already prepared by the CSLA object or do you put logic in the report definition like calculations, null->blank conversions, aggregation of fields, etc?
JoeFallon1 replied on Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I treat the report definition as a smart container. In my view the read only list is the data in the detail section of the report. Everything else like footers and groupings and sums is defined by the report.
I even have a root BO for the report header section. The root BO contains the read only list.
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