I'm currently in the process of developing an application using the CSLA framework in combination with ASP.NET Ajax. I'm using basic detailsview controls on pages to display my businessobjects for editing and inserting purposes. Inside some detailsviews I'm using dropdownlists that populate eachother depending on their values. To make this look better without postbacks I wanted to use UpdatePanels. However, I cannot seem to find the way to use them in combination with a DetailsView.
I put one updatepanel around the entire detailsview, which got me to where I wanted to be, but the problem this caused was that any errors thrown by CSLA in the detailsview (such as saving when one of the dropdowns wasn't populated) were caught somewhere in the updatepanel and shown as a Javascript error on the page instead of a catchable .NET exception.
Does anyone else have any experience using CSLA + DetailsView + UpdatePanels that could point me in the right direction on how to get it to fully function?
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