What you see I believe is a known issues of tab control,
that is the result of total rebinding on tab switches. I think if you
google it, you will find you are not alone. In our app we actually are
not using tab control, but instead simulating it with a stack panel full of
buttons with the grid underneath.
Sergey Barskiy
Principal Consultant
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Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year | Custom
Development Solutions, Technical Innovation
From: Fintanv
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 11:20 AM
To: Sergey Barskiy
Subject: [CSLA .NET] WPF, UserControls and the dreaded
NotifyPartitionIsZombie error.
I am wondering if anyone has experienced a similar issue to
the one I am about to describe.
I am developing a WPF application using CSLA 3.6 and .net 3.5sp1. For the
initial dev work I set up a parent window with menu items. Clicking a
menu item did the following:
1. Find the user control display Grid and remove/dispose the user control
hosted there (if any).
2. Create a new user control (depends on the menu item clicked), the
usercontrol hosts the UI interface for a specific BO.
3. Load the new user control to the display Grid.
Worked fine, but I really wanted to allow the user to have multiple BO
interfaces open. No worries simply replace the Grid with a tab control
and host the user control one per tab. I hooked this up and it initially
appeared to work, though switching between tabs was a little sluggish.
The problem came when I edited one of the business objects and then switched
off the tab, and then switched back to the same tab...BOOM!
System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="An unspecified error occurred on the render thread."
System.Windows.Media.MediaContext.NotifyPartitionIsZombie(Int32 failureCode)
Some research on Google brought up some discussions (pre 3.5sp1) concerning one
or more of: the WPF rendering thread, video drivers, how they interact with
directx 9, the use of the Window property AllowsTransparency being set to true,
and something returing a value that is NaN. An issue seemingly fixed with
sp1. Since my main Window has the AllowsTransparency set to false, and since I
am using sp1, I am stumped. Attaching with a debugger yielded no further
info as to the source.
I have changed directions and implementing what amounts to a card stack instead.
Gone is the exception, and switching between user controls is also faster than
with the tabs. But I am still uneasy due to the error.
Anyone have any similar experiences or insights?
-- Fintan
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