Couple questions pertaining to Rolodex example

Couple questions pertaining to Rolodex example

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CyclingFoodmanPA posted on Monday, January 26, 2009

I am making very good headway in developing my Silverlight application based on the Silverlight example.  I do have a couple of questions through.

When I select to edit a company, and have contacts, their ranks are not displaying in the combo box.  I select the combo box and it is populated, but there is something off with the binding in that it does not display the value that was entered for the contact.

Also, how do you get a prompt to ask if someone really wants to delete something.  For example, I add a Rank, then delete it and I am not asked if I really want to delete the item.  How do I do this?  I remember in ASP.NET there was a little java script code in there as follows:

            <asp:LinkButton ID="DeleteLinkButton" runat="server"
              CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Delete"
              OnClientClick="return confirm('Do you really want to delete this record?')">                 

This worked well and prompted the user before they deleted the record.

So, how do I get an item to show in a combo box and how do I prompt the user to really delete a record?

Thanks for everyone's help so far.  I am digging in and absorbing Silverlight really well and cannot wait for CodeComplete to come out and generate Silverlight code so I can crank out my application.




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