Collecting all child deletedlist items for a given BusinessBaseCollecting all child deletedlist items for a given BusinessBase
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Devman posted on Friday, January 30, 2009
Has anyone tried this before? I am trying to scan through a businessbase for children that contain deletedlist collections and then adding them to a stack. This needs to be recurrsive to search the whole object graph.
JoeFallon1 replied on Friday, January 30, 2009
Here is an old thread that might give you some ideas:
This recursively loops through root BO to find all other BOs contained in the graph. The goal was to be able to produce a single list of Broken Rules for the entire graph.
I still use a similar concept today - but I re-wrote some of the code.
Devman replied on Thursday, February 05, 2009
Cheers for the reply!
I ended up with the following ;
Created an interface which is implelemented in both PBussinesBase and PBussinessListBase. These derive from the csla business bases.
The interface had one method; void GetDeletedItems(Stack itemsToDeleted).
I created an Attribute to mark bi directional properties so to ignore them otherwise i was getting stuck in a loop.
for PBusinessBase ive got the following implementation;
public void GetDeletedItems(Stack itemsToDeleted)
/// TODO: Look at using FieldManager/FieldData instead of reflection.
//cascade the call to all the relevant children
Type currentType = this.GetType();
// get the list of properties in this type
foreach (var p in currentType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
// check to see if the property is not bi-directional ([IgnoreForDeletedList]) and is of correct type (IDeletedListManager)
if (typeof(IDeletedListManager).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType) & Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(IgnoreForDeletedList)) != true)
var value = (IDeletedListManager)p.GetValue(this, null);
// make sure the variable has a value
if (value != null)
// it is a child object so cascade the call
// move up the inheritance tree and try again
currentType = currentType.BaseType;
} while (currentType != typeof(PBusinessBase<T>));
For PBussinessListBase i have this;
public void GetDeletedItems(Stack itemsToDeleted)
foreach (IDeletedListManager child in this)
foreach (var obj in DeletedList)
Im not sure how "Good" this code is, i was rooting around the csla source for hints and found AcceptChanges() in UndoableBase to be of help, hence the code looking similar to that.
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