DataPortal Deployment
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surfdog86 posted on Wednesday, May 10, 2006
My database server is on a separate machine from my 3 web servers. I would like to use .net remoting.
It is my understanding that I will need IIS running on the database server in order to configure a Remote Data Portal Host. Correct?
If I can avoid having IIS running on the database server, and still use .net remoting, where would I then put the virtual host?
ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, May 10, 2006
You could build another server which would also run IIS. This server would then be the remoting target for your web servers, and would be the one that communicates with the database. You could keep this new server behind your firewall and also allow your database server to be completely isolated from the DMZ (assuming your web servers are running in a DMZ).
Of course now you'll have 4 computers in the chain; the client PC requesting pages in the web browser, your IIS server which is hosting the UI, the IIS server which is acting as the application server, and the database server.
surfdog86 replied on Wednesday, May 10, 2006
So if IIS does not need to be running on the database server, and if an intermediary server can be introduced, then I should also be able to deploy by configuring each of my 3 web servers to communicate with the database server. Correct?
The web servers would then be running the UI code, the BO code and handling communication to the database server.
surfdog86 replied on Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I can answer my own question.
I had presumed that the database must be running locally, and if not, remoting or another channel technology was required.
A statement in the csla install doc mentioning the app_data directory and where mdf files must reside confused me.
Merely changing the database connection string for the data source from local to database server name was all that was required.
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