I have searched this forum over and over and still can not find an answer.
I see where roots and childs are described here and in the book but never is it explained WHY have them at all. Why mark an object as child? Why not just use a root objects?
They have the same basic structure. Child objects have an internal constructors to be used by a parent, but so can a root.
Is there a performance problem with calling Save on child objects and going through the portal? Is that why child object has to use internal non portal Data Access methods?
I see where you can have a Swithable object but it seems like a level of complexity for little gain. I do not see the justification for marking an object as child and changing it's behavior.
So far I see where the BLB is the only object requiring an object to be marked as a child. Specifically in the REMOVE. WHY?
My question stems from implementing an workflow solution that needs to work with an object as both a Root and Child.
Thanks in advance.
This does not answer the question WHY CSLA requires objects to be marked as a child in collections.
Because BLB are requiring their items to be Child objects this is forcing me to use Switchable objects. I am looking for an explaination of why the BLB requires this. It looks like they could easily not require their items to be child object and CSLA would work fine. What other behaviors are affected.
Repling to the example in the previous post:
In a workflow use case you may have users that only verify if they have the quantity on hand listed on an Order Item.. They do not need to load the order object they just work the order item objects. As I currently understand CSLA to implement your example in my environment you have to do one of two things. Create a switchable object or create two objects0 (one as child and as root) and duplicate the business logic between the two. Also you can not rely on the Order enforcing you have only one Order Item. The rule has to be in the Order Item to not save if it finds an existing item in the data store. Otherwise you could get two users entering bad data using two order objects. This example and logic does not require the item to be a child.
Cary Mcanally:This does not answer the question WHY CSLA requires objects to be marked as a child in collections.
I am missing something somewhere. I am trying to use only root objects but I do not see where CLSA alows it.
The Delete methods on the BusinessBase are throwing execeptions when removing objects from a BusinessListBase object.
Is there a switch to change this in CSLA and if no how do you bypass the exceptions CLSA throws?
I do not want to modify CSLA but so far I can see any other way around the exceptions. Any help would very appreciated.
I have an EditableRootListBase. The problem come in when you try to use the Remove on the collection. The BusinessBase throws and exception that the BusinessBase must be a child or you have to call the delete on the object.
If this is true then do you loose the ablilty to mark objects in the collection as deleted? Basically you no longer have UNDO functionality on the collections.
Your base class for your collection is almost certainly
BusinessListBase. You need it to be EditableRootListBase.
BLB contains child objects. End of story.
ERLB contains root objects. If you want a collection of root
objects, this is one way to get that.
However, you must understand that ERLB is designed specifically to
support in-place grid editing scenarios in Windows Forms, WPF and Silverlight.
Using it outside that scenario may or may not meet your needs.
Be aware that changes to an ERLB occur immediately. Remove an
item, and that item goes and deletes itself right now from the database.
No undo. No going back.
Also be aware that outside a rich client grid binding scenario
you must manually call SaveItem() to save changes to an object in the
collection. In a rich client scenario this occurs automatically due to data
binding, but in the web you must do this manually because Web Forms data
binding has no concept along these lines.
From: Cary Mcanally
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 10:20 AM
To: rocky@lhotka.net
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] Why have child objects? Why not all roots?
I have an EditableRootListBase. The problem come in when you try to
use the Remove on the collection. The BusinessBase throws and exception
that the BusinessBase must be a child or you have to call the delete on the
If this is true then do you loose the ablilty to mark objects in the
collection as deleted? Basically you no longer have UNDO functionality on
the collections.
I am binding to an in-place editing grid.
I can deal with not having UNDO in the ERLB.
I think I setup my ERLB up just like the it says in pg 188 of the 2008 book and my REMOVE is throwing errors that the object must be a child.
Is there something else I have to do to change the behavior or is the REMOVE method not valid in an ERLB. If the Remove is not usable is it simply calling Delete on the child object and manually removing it from the list.
Well, at least in my current implementation, all of the non-collection objects can be either root or child objects. I'm not using switchable objects per se (at least not as I have seen them described). If I want to put them in a collection, then the Fetch method just has to mark them as children and assign their Parent. Otherwise, they are roots.
Also, while it seems to me that there is at least a strong tendency for the actual instances of collections in the CSLA examples to be concrete non-generic types (e.g. ProjectResources) mine are generic more often than not (e.g. mine would be MyBusinessListBase<Resource> or something similar).
I'm sure there are potential problems with this approach, but I haven't run into anything yet I can't manage. The main issue is that it's possible for more than one *copy* of (not reference to) the same object to appear at different levels in the object graph, but in practice that requires some creative navigation through the UI.
I'd certainly be very interested if someone has specific reasons why this is ultimately doomed to failure.
That being said, I completely understand the rationale here for building separate objects for each use case. However, it's a question of resources. I don't currently have the luxury of having different classes which are (at least from our current use) apparently identical in almost every respect except for (1) whether or not they have a parent, and (2) what Type is the parent?
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