SouthSpawn posted on Tuesday, February 03, 2009
I know this might not be the place to ask this, but in all honesty, this is my favorite development message board.
I have a FTP component that has an event that fires during uploading or downloading a file using the FTP component.
I would like to somehow send a response back to the client every time this "Server Side" event is fired. Therefore the client can update the progress bar.
I am lost here. Every code example that I see, I just get more lost.
Can anyone please give me some suggestions or code samples on how I can update a webpage during the time a server side event is firing.
Code Samples anyone???
SouthSpawn replied on Tuesday, February 03, 2009
So you are saying I would have to do something like this.
Private Sub Ftp_OnTransfer(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As nsoftware.IPWorks.FtpTransferEventArgs) Handles Ftp.OnTransfer
Session("Percentage") = e.PercentDone
End Sub
Public Function PercentageDone() As String
Return Ctype(Session("Percentage"), String)
End Function
Then on the client side, use a timer to call my PercentageDone method every second to see the value?
Is that the way you would do this?
Thanks for suggestions.