I am using CSLA light and have the following scenario. If i enter -9 on the screen and tab away I see the red exclamation and the correct message. If I now overwrite -9 with 12 and tab away the red exclamation goes away. However if I overwrite the -9 with 12.5 and tab away the red exclamation stays. The property is Int so does entering a decimal give it a problem?
I put a breakpoint on the setter but it doesn't get there when I enter 12.5, it gets there when I enter an integer.
static PropertyInfo<int> MileageProperty = RegisterProperty<int>(new PropertyInfo<int>("Mileage", "Mileage", 0)); public int Mileage{
get { return GetProperty(MileageProperty); } set { SetProperty(MileageProperty, value); }}
CommonRules.IntegerMinValue, new Csla.Validation.CommonRules.IntegerMinValueRuleArgs(MileageProperty, 0));I have noticed the following in the output window:
System.Windows.Data Error: ConvertBack cannot convert value 'sadasd' (type 'System.String'). BindingExpression: Path='Data.Mileage' DataItem='Csla.Silverlight.CslaDataProvider' (HashCode=27451669); target element is 'System.Windows.Controls.TextBox' (Name='MileageTextBox'); target property is 'Text' (type 'System.String').. System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
I'm off to investiagte how to capture a ConvertBack exception from a default ValueConverter
By adding the following event handler and settings in the binding I am getting an error raised, which is good, one step at a time. I'll see how I can work with this
BindingValidationError +=
new EventHandler<ValidationErrorEventArgs>(ExpenseUpdatePage_BindingValidationError);}
void ExpenseUpdatePage_BindingValidationError(object sender, ValidationErrorEventArgs e){
throw new NotImplementedException();}
TextBox x:Name="MileageTextBox" Style="{StaticResource TextBoxStyle}" Grid.Row="9" Grid.Column="1"> <TextBox.Text> <Binding Path="Data.Mileage" Mode="TwoWay" NotifyOnValidationError="True" ValidatesOnExceptions="True" /> </TextBox.Text>This seems to work but I'd appreciate any comments:
ExpenseUpdatePage_BindingValidationError(object sender, ValidationErrorEventArgs e){
CslaDataProvider provider = ((CslaDataProvider)this.Resources["ExpenseData"]); TextBox textBox = e.OriginalSource as TextBox; if (textBox != null){
switch (e.Action){
case ValidationErrorEventAction.Added:textBox.SelectionStart = 0;
textBox.SelectionLength = textBox.Text.Length;
textBox.FontStyle =
FontStyles.Italic; //this effectivly removes the bindingSaveButton.IsEnabled =
break; case ValidationErrorEventAction.Removed: //todo reset styleSystem.Windows.Data.
Binding binding = new System.Windows.Data.Binding();binding.Source = provider.CanSave;
binding.Mode = System.Windows.Data.
Button.IsEnabledProperty, binding); break; default: break;}
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