(Edit: This is a Silverlight question)
In our legacy systems, we don't use a "grid' per-say, but we do have multiple rows of controls that are automatically created for us - so let's say you have in each row/child object:
Product (drop down selection), Quantity, and Notes.
The behavior that I like about our legacy system is that there is a natural flow from row to row - tabbing across fields 1-3 occur, users can edit fields as they like, and a subsequent tab will drop them down to the next row, column 0, in edit mode. Tabbing from the final field in the final row will add a new row (child object). Further, there is no real differentiation in appearance between a row in "edit mode" and one that isn't in edit mode.
I was trying to get this sort of behavior to happen in my grid and by using templated columns it seems like I can have everything look editable all the time, but one thing I couldn't seem to figure out was how to get the tabbing to act as I wanted. Specifically, let's say you capture tab-down on the final control in the final column - how do you change the user's focus to the next row? I was able to change the current column but I couldn't see anything in the grid's object model to let me change which row the user was on.
Perhaps I'm missing something else, but if anyone has any insight, I'd love to hear it. I've been contemplating just using a vertical stackpanel of controls that each will provide the editing of a child object (i.e. shying away from a grid) to get the behavior that I want.
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