CslaDataProvider isn't found in Csla.Silverlight namespace in Rolodex sample app

CslaDataProvider isn't found in Csla.Silverlight namespace in Rolodex sample app

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6350.aspx

pk55 posted on Thursday, February 05, 2009

Disclaimer: New to CSLA and C# and Visual Studio so this is probably a dumb question :-)

I've downloaded the latest CSLA code for Silverlight and the latest samples for Silverlight. I built both solutions (first Csla and then Cslalight) and I've loaded the Rolodex silverlight sample app  and have it running. 

So what's the problem? When I open the Rolodex solution and edit one of the XAML files (or the CS behind), for example the CompanyEditor.xaml.cs), Visual Studio (2008 SP1) always complains about the CslaDataProvider and wants to reference it in Csla.Wpf with that annoying little popup that appears anytime you click on the code.  It also has the using statement for Csla.Silverlight grayed out. It is pointing to the right reference dlls that were built from the downloaded source so I'm somewhat bewildered as to what VS doesn't like.

Thanks for any info.

pk55 replied on Friday, February 13, 2009

In case anyone was curious (considering no one replied, that may be a bad assumption), I finally found out what was causing this behavior.  I'm using ReSharper 3.0 and it has an option under Code Inspection\Settings to "Show the 'Import namespace' action using popup".  Since the CslaDataProvider isn't actually in the Silverlight Csla.dll (it's in the .Net version only), ReSharper keeps wanting to import the WPF namespace.  By unchecking this, the annoying popup goes away.


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