The newest "recommended" version has 31 warnings (sometimes 62 warings but that is just VS doing weird things)
I know alot of these warnings are because of the C5 stuff from Niels Kokholm and Peter Sestoft, since almost all warnings are in the Csla.C5 namespace.
Can those warnings be solved?
Even if it's "external code".
I am not going to tamper with the C5 code. I have enough trouble finding time to maintain my own code, much less a whole other library.
If you really can't handle their warnings, you can pull C5 into a separate assembly, change the Csla project to reference it and isolate their warnings into that other project. But that's just moving the issue from place A to B.
Of course C5 is open source. I bet they'd welcome any help you can offer in terms of solving the warnings in their project.
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