Using CSLA 3.0.3 and WinForms. I have a master-detail form with a grid displaying invoice lines. Clicking on a line displays the detailed information. So my BO tree looks like this:
Invoice (EditableRoot)
InvoiceLines (EditableChildList)
AbstractInvoiceLine (EditableChild)
ConcreteInvoiceLine1 (EditableChild)
ConcreteInvoiceLine2 (EditableChild)
(more concrete types)...
The setup worked fine until I introduced 2 public events in one of my concrete invoice line objects. My form subscribes to these 2 events when one such concrete InvoiceLine is added to its collection.
The problem that is now occuring is that if on my form I select this line on the grid, a SerializationException is thrown, which is complaining that my form is not marked as serializable. This strikes me as odd because the exception appears to be thrown in BusinessListBase.OnListChanged yet the culprit appears to be my form which is in a completly seperate assembly not referenced in my Library project...
I must have violated some rule here but it completly confuses me at the moment. Any ideas what might be causing this?
Can you mark the events as NonSerializable?
If my memory serves me .Net tries to serialize the whole graphs and that includes things subscribed to the objects events and this is what you are seeing - it's trying to serialise the form.
Thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately the debugger says no:
Error 2 Attribute 'NonSerialized' is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on 'field' declarations
Your explanation seems valid yet I am completly at loss as to how specify this...
triplea:Thanks that did the trick! Does this mean that all events a BO is exposing that the UI might subscribe to should be marked as NonSerialized? I am pretty sure I have done this in the past without any issues but then again I might be wrong...
I discuss this in the book when I show the code for the PropertyChanged event in BindableBase.
The [field: NonSerialized] approach is a hack that they put into C# 1.x, but what you should really do (imo) is use the custom event declaration syntax, because that's much more explicit and doesn't rely on compiler magic.
I had the hook/unhook mechanism in place but because of the nature of the problem (i.e. occur on datagridview selection change) there was no need to unhook so I was a bit stuck...
For now I will stick to the [field: NonSerialized()] solution unless it causes any issues since it appears to be the cleanest way.
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