I have a 1.53 base BusinessBase object Project which has a collection of OrderNumbers. I want these Order#s to retrieve their header and details for display in a grid. The details are coming from our main frame so they must be read only collections.
So the end result is Project(BusinessBase) > Order# (BizCollectionBase) > OrderHeader(ReadOnlyCollectionBase) > OrderDetail(ReadOnlyCollectionBase)
Do I declare the collection for the detail in OrderHeader as a private member in the class outside the struct? Does it get populated by a datareader or with its own GetMethod then lock the Header list?
Sorry, I couldn't find an example. Here's my retrieval into the struct right now:
using (SafeDataReader dr = new SafeDataReader(cm.ExecuteReader()))
locked = false;
SOInfo info = new SOInfo();
info.ShipTo = dr.GetDecimal(0);
info.Type = dr.GetString(2);
info.PONbr = dr.GetString(3);
//dr.NextResult() here?
locked = true;
Hmmm, how you design your classes will depend on the behavior
you’re looking. In my case, I only go down one depth in my graph. So I would
load Project and Order, just like you have it now and not thee two other child
The order object, it's what rocky calls a switchable object, meaning that you
need it to act like a root sometimes and a child another time depending on
who's calling it. In your order class, create a property and lazy load the
order header & order details when this (order) class is acting as a child,
when it's acting as a root, you'll just load one depth below it graph tree.
Hope that helps, if not, I can send you some code snippets.
Thanks for the reply ~Bo. The behavior. Hmm. That's a novella, but at the last, it is not switchable. It will never be a root object by internal law (SarBox constraints). I've used GreatGrandChildren in my stuff before, but this is just not behaving and I know I've seen this done. I just can't find the source.
I'm thinking a ROBusiness base would be better. I can build the detail collections inside those ROB objects and retrieve the children (or lazily). That's pretty much what's left over when the struct is removed from the ROCollectionBase. I haven't, but I think I can use ROBase.
See the Users can fill in some order number, but the details are not available until the following day. I think my ROBase idea may be better and lazy load the info. If the object IsNew, there's not use going to the db and I can use a creation date to determine if the data is available. There's a 24 hour delay. It's the situation I have, unfortunately. I'm thinkin that 24 hr delay would be a problem, too. What if they just forgot to enter it? Then it should actually be available. Guess I'll let the object try to load it and include a "failed date field" to prevent multiple hits to the server in the same 24 hr period.
What a kludge.
The short answer is that a collection can't directly contain a collection. You need an intermediate object to represent the child, and then that child can have a collection of children itself.
Notice how I've added OrderHeader as an object in the middle here. Even if all it does is contain the collection, that's required.
RockfordLhotka:The short answer is that a collection can't directly contain a collection. You need an intermediate object to represent the child, and then that child can have a collection of children itself.
->OrderDetail(ROB)Notice how I've added OrderHeader as an object in the middle here. Even if all it does is contain the collection, that's required.
Thanks, Rocky. I did something slightly different on the car ride back. I'll review it against your suggestion, but i think my intermediate object is the header object.
What I created is a base collection of header items so they can be added/edited/deleted from the Project. They use BB and BCB. In the BB header item, I used a ROC object for property lazy loading. We'll check it for best fit tomorrow.
The data I'm reading in is odd in that it's not normalized, I don't know why they store it like that, but that's what I discovered was there. I'm glad it is presentable now. I showed the prototype to the Sales Manager. She noted they used to enter data into about 15 fields for this piece of the process. CSLA has reduced it to about 1 or 2.
Happy campers indeed!
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