Enhancement Suggestion for CSLALight

Enhancement Suggestion for CSLALight

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6506.aspx

JimStone posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I would like to suggest that the GetManager method and constructor of the ServiceClientManager type be enhanced with overloads that accept a specific binding and endpoint address. GetManager would then use these parms with Activator.Create to invoke the corresponding constructor in the ServiceClient proxy generated for the service reference.

The current CSLALight implementation uses the parameterless constructor for the proxy and this  "requires" a ClientConfig file to specify binding and endpoint.  This enhancement would allow proxy creation without needing a ClientConfig file. 

In the environment that I am developing for, the WCF service will be hosted by the web that hosts the silverlight app.  The url of this site is easily passed to the Silverlight app by InitParms.  Since my app will be installable to sites that I never see, editing a config file will not be possible. 

Without this enhancement, I must either a) create the proxy without ServieClientManager, which does not the pass it to the application context; or b) modify the CSLA code myself.  I have already made this mod but really do not want to do it every time CSLA updates are released.

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'll add this to the wish list, thanks.

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