I just had downloaded the cslacs-3.6.2-090302 from the official website, but I couldn't have been solving this problem when I recompile this project, which is mistake 65 Unrecognized option @C:\Documents and Settings\Junyan Tu\Local Settings\Temp\tmpFA5.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\Junyan Tu\Desktop\cslacs-3.6.2-090302\cslacs\Csla\AL Csla.
If you can solve this problem, please help me, thanks a lot.
Best Regards
I have no idea - it sounds like a corrupt temp file.
I'd recommend doing a "Clean solution" from the build menu, then a "Rebuild solution" from the build menu.
If that doesn't fix it, I'd recommend using google to find a temp file cleaner. I know there are utilities out there that will clean all temp files related to a Visual Studio solution.
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