Hi All,
I am developing a system where some of the properties in a parent object are calculated from properties of child objects in a child list. The parent properties must be updated whenever one of the corresponding properties in the child list is altered and whenever a child object is added or deleted from the list.
Does anybody know how I should go about this?
Barry C
' declare child
Private WithEvents _ChildList As
ChildList = Library.ChildList.NewChildList(Me)
Private Shared ChildListProperty As
PropertyInfo(Of ChildList) = RegisterProperty(New PropertyInfo(Of ChildList)("ChildList"))
Public ReadOnly Property ChildList()
As ChildList
If Not FieldManager.FieldExists(ChildListProperty) Then
LoadProperty(Of ChildList)(ChildListProperty, _ChildList)
End If
GetProperty(Of ChildList)(ChildListProperty)
End Get
End Property
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