Yes, absolutely. You don't do this in generic.xaml though - you do it in your app.xaml or other resource style sheet.
I'm pretty sure there's a sample showing how to do this in the Samples download.
The xaml isn't for the faint of heart, but then what xaml is? :)
I'm struggling to implement this, and I can't seem to find a good example of this in the samples.
I was trying to use a default style but it doesn't appear to want to parse my style resource files (gives me a XAML parse exception). I've got a WPF example of a numericupdown box working using a default style, but I can't get it working in Silverlight even after copying the style. I did read somewhere that you couldn't use default styles to style an element in Silverlight beta 2, has this feature been added to the release?
I want to be able to style all UI elements of a certain type such as the PropertyStatus and BusyAnimation controls, I just can't quite work out how to do it.
I've tried styles in app.xaml, generic.xaml, different syntax for the TargetType property for my style
TargetType="{x:Type csla:BusyAnimation}"
(second one throws the parse exceptions)
You are right - the sample I was thinking about is for WPF, not SL.
So I'm not entirely sure that you can replace the appearance in SL, because you can't change styles after they've been set - at least in SL 2. Hopefully SL 3 will make this easier/possible.
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