Slightly OT: DataGridView is losing KeyUp?

Slightly OT: DataGridView is losing KeyUp?

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ajj3085 posted on Wednesday, July 19, 2006

HI all,

I have a data grid view, and I also have a key up event which watches
only for the F5 key.  It works fine, except that after the initial
press, the datagridview ignores subsequent key up events until I move
the selection to another cell.

Its very odd, because i set SuppressKeyPress and Handled to true, and I
get the same behavior if the Form is handling the event instead.

Anyone have any ideas on this?  I'm just trying to add a 'search results refresh' feature.

ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I found a 'solution.'  It seems if I call DataGridView.Focus(), it works as expected.  Would be nice to know what's going on with this though.

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