I am writing my first "real" application in CSLA and have been following the Project Tracker as an example. I am trying to create a WPF edit form to do a search for items matching criteria and am using the ProjectList as an example. My form, however, has three parameters. One is a foreign key for which I have a ComboBox and the other two are a date range for which I am using the DatePicker control from the toolkit. The results are to populate a toolkit grid. I couldn't figure out how to bind the ComboBox to the List business object (ReadOnlyListBase), so I instad hooked up an event call to the DropDownClosed of the ComboBox and the LostFocus event of the Dates. I check for valid values and then set the parameters:
using (dp.DeferRefresh()){
SmartDate.Parse(RangeEnd.Text)); if (dp.Data != null){
AlertList SearchList = (AlertList)dp.Data; if (SearchList.Count > 0){
AlertDataGrid.SelectedIndex = 0;
AlertDataGrid.Visibility =
Once I have valid values that return data, I get an exception: DataPortal.Fetch failed (Nullable object must have a value).Any Idea what I am doing wrong?
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