I have Business Class [CostItem] that complex enough to make me crazy
it has many properties [A,B,C] some of them are inherited from businessListBase
I want to use Wpf Window with Cancel Ok buttons so I put this small plan for that :
1- my long story start in grid contains Collections of [CostItem] Class
2- double click on the row , opens new window for selected [CostItem]
3- Onload Window And Before Binding the SelectedCostItem To the [MainGrid] DataContext
I will Call BeginEdit() for the CostItem Object
4- Because I will made the CostItem Class Property [DisableIEditableObject] to True
The Begin Edit will only affect the costItem object and not of any its collection child.
5- when cancel button I will call cancelEdit for CostItem Object
6- when okay button I will call ApplyEdit for Costitem object
7- when the user try to edit any of collection child property I will call Begin Edit just to this property
and call cancelEdit if user canceled that and applychange if the user want to commit that
my question is Am I right in this plan ? are there any problems or missing points
I know that i have to rebind the object after apllying changes , in Wpf is there any Pause binding Feature ?!!
sorry for talking alot :)
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