Guys I'm stuck trying to debug a databinding behaviour in windows forms. I've got a parent CSLA 3.0.3 BO with a child BO (VB code). I've created a screen and used created a bindingsource that uses the private variable (withevents) in the forms code. When editing the child BO I open a form and pass a copy of the Parent BO to it and allow the child form to edit the BO, then when I return back to the parent form, rebind all the datasources with the copy from the child form. It's a fairly complicated parent/child BO and there are lots of BO_PropertyChange events at the business object and screen level to handle information changing.
If the child object is edited, everything works as expected. If I create a new child object, then when I return to the parent screen I loose the parent BO_PropertyChange event (it just seems to disconnect). I don't understand this behaviour because the BO_Property Let/Get fires, Business Rules fire and the Parent forms Private variable mBO_PropertyChange event also fires.
Any suggestion on what to do. I've spent 5 hours trying different re-binding code approaches with little luck.
Here is some sample code (cut down a lot)
This is the private variable
Private WithEvents mSale As Sale = Nothing
This is the load mechanism for the parent screen.
Private Sub Sales_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
If Not Me.DesignMode Then
SaleBindingSource.DataSource = mSale
If mSale.SaleFKClientID <> 0 AndAlso Not IsNothing(mSale.Client) Then
' Display Client name.
With ClientBindingSource
.DataSource = mSale.Client
.RaiseListChangedEvents = True
End With
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Sub
This is the load mechanism for the Child screen.
Private Sub OpenClientScreen(ByVal clientID As Integer)
Me.Cursor = Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor
Dim tempCopy As Sale
tempCopy = mSale.Clone
Dim frm As New frmClientEntry(tempCopy)
Me.Cursor = Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default
With frm
Select Case .DialogResult
Case DialogResult.Yes
' The user might have created a new client record (so we still need to treat is as a child object)
If Not .Client.IsChild Then
End If
' Need to switch off the databinding for a little bit.
With SaleBindingSource
.RaiseListChangedEvents = False
.DataSource = Nothing
End With
With ClientBindingSource
.RaiseListChangedEvents = False
.DataSource = Nothing
End With
' Update the client from the clients screen copy of the sales BO.
' This is important because its painful to change child objects on a popup form.
mSale = .Sale.Clone
DataBindingHelper.Rebind(SaleBindingSource, mSale)
DataBindingHelper.Rebind(ClientBindingSource, mSale.Client)
Case Else ' Cancel.
' Ignore the changes.
End Select
' If the user deletes the client record (god forbid and it's not used else were,
' then the sale record should clear that client reference
If .DeletedClientId = clientID Then
mSale.SaleFKClientID = 0
' This should then set the clientNameTextBox.text = String.Empty
With ClientBindingSource
.DataSource = Nothing
.RaiseListChangedEvents = True
End With
End If
End With
End Sub
The parent object, creates a new child using the following
Public Sub NewClient(ByVal markAsChild As Boolean)
'Call a method which calls DataPortal.Create(Of Client)
msaleClient = Client.NewClient()
' Ok so the sale link to client is a new record (and that changes how we save these records)
msaleFKClientID = mClient.PKClientID
If markAsChild Then mClient.MarkAsChild()
End Sub
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