CSLA only for Object Data Source

CSLA only for Object Data Source

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6793.aspx

Starbuck posted on Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gosh I hope this isn't a silly noob question:

Many months ago I was looking for a good Object Data Source model for ASP.NET grids and other components. After looking closely at Manuel Abadia's notes I happened to find that the Object Data Source for CSLA was very good because it provides an excellent design-time schema definition. I looked into CSLA, decided I wanted a code generator, but got a bit discouraged looking at CodeBreeze. I then detoured to CodeSmith where I got interested in .NetTiers and wrote my own data provider for a custom data source. But that effort still requires extensive work. I want to come back to basics.

CSLA is "deep" and I don't think I need the whole thing. Rather than using a major framework, I'm wondering if all I really need is a good ODS. The requirements for using the CSLA ODS are nested in the details of the framework and I find it difficult to figure out just which classes would be required for minimal use.  I have written a code generator for Visual Studio so that I can generate classes based on templates after pointing to my data source. I'm just wondering that the minimum requirements would be.

The goal is to generate an ODS, and use it at design time as a data source for visual components which extract schema (for auto-populating columns, etc).  The next step would be to handle runtime CRUD operations, paging, filtering, etc.  Yeah, I know, it's a lot.

Again, please forgive some noobishness here. It's been a while since I've approached this topic and it will take a while to re-familiarize. The final answer might just be to dive into the deep water and re-learn how to swim.

Starbuck replied on Saturday, April 18, 2009

Never Mind. I just implemented the full CSLA library.  From the stunning lack of response I'm guessing this was the right thing to do from the start.

JoeFallon1 replied on Monday, April 20, 2009

Glad you figured it out on your own!

Your original question was too "far from the beaten path" to dive in to.


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