Using Silverlight 3 validation with CSLA

Using Silverlight 3 validation with CSLA

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mhnyborg posted on Thursday, April 16, 2009

Silverlight 3 has it's own Attribute based validation framework and UI controls to show the broken rules.

Is there a way to use CSLA rules with the new validations controls?

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, April 16, 2009

It is my understanding that their current strategy is exception-based. Which is really sad and limiting.

The "solution" is for SetProperty() to throw an exception if a rule is broken. But of course you can't provide very much meaningful data through an exception, so it is unlikely that more than one broken rule could be displayed, even if several are broken. And the concept of severities wouldn't work.

This is not to say that we won't provide a config switch so you can put CSLA into "dumbed-down exception mode" if you want to use the built-in stuff - but personally I suspect I'll keep using PropertyStatus because it is so much more powerful.

The reality is that even in WPF, which has a far more powerful model, I still use PropertyStatus because it is so much more powerful...

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