I have the first three segments of the CSLA .NET for Silverlight video series available now, and so I'm extending a special pre-purchase offer to anyone who wants to get access to the content as it becomes available.
Buy now and save $100 off the regular purchase price. This special offer gives you immediate access to the first three video segments, and will give you access to the remaining video segments as they become available. You can be among the first to have access to this great content!
Here is a summary of all seven video segments:
In this video you will become familiar with the CSLA .NET framework's vision, goals and overall scope. You will be introduced to the various architectures supported by CSLA .NET for Silverlight, and the requirements necessary to build Silverlight and CSLA .NET for Silverlight applications.
The Basics
This video details the basic steps of creating a CSLA .NET business object that interacts with a server-side web service to get its data. The process of using data binding to connect the object to the Silverlight UI is also covered. At the end of this video you will understand all the basic steps and coding structures necessary to build a simple CSLA .NET for Silverlight application.
Client-only Architectures
This video covers the various client-only scenarios supported by CSLA .NET for Silverlight, including true client-only applications and “edge” applications that interact with remote services. This video builds on The Basics to dive deeper into the various options for building client-only applications.
N-tier Architectures - coming soon
In this video you will learn how to build 2-, 3- and 4-tier applications using CSLA .NET for Silverlight. CSLA .NET allows your UI, business object and data access code to remain the same in all these configurations, but there are numerous configuration options and choices you can make to optimize how your application works in each of these scenarios.
Business Object Types - coming soon
In this video you will learn how to implement each of the business object stereotypes supported by CSLA .NET. These include editable objects, lists of objects, read-only objects, read-only lists, name/value lists, command objects and more. At the end of this video you will understand the purpose behind each stereotype, and the coding structure to use when building business objects for each stereotype.
N-tier Data Access - coming soon
This video details the various options supported by CSLA .NET for data access in n-tier scenarios. You will learn how to put data access code into your business class, or into a separate data access assembly, along with the pros and cons of each technique. You will also learn about the ObjectFactory attribute and base class, that can be used to create pluggable data access layers for an application.
Authentication and Authorization - coming soon
In this video you will learn about the various authentication and authorization techniques supported by CSLA .NET for Silverlight. Authentication options include Windows, ASP.NET Membership Provider and custom authentication. Authorization is the same as CSLA .NET for Windows, and includes per-property and per-type authorization, along with Silverlight UI controls to simplify the creation of your interface
Hey Rocky,
I am tempted to get your videos but I have a question. I would like to see a sample initially before I buy. Now, I know your stuff is great as I have bought all your books since VB 6 on your Csla Architecture. I have bought some AppDev courses before and they have sent out a sample of 3 hours of training (for example, when C# 2005 came out I requested a sample of the C# training and received a CD with the first module on it.) I was wondering if you could allow everyone to get the Introduction course to check it out of if not the whole course, allow everyone to download 1/2 of it to just check it out? I am not trying to be cheap, because your $100 off is great, however, I would like to check things out first.
I guess my main concern is that the video may be too basic. Optimally, the videos would be in the middle and would be an excellent accompaniment to the book. I love your books, but it is a LOT of reading and I do prefer learning material from videos and tutorials than reading books. Just takes so long to absorb the material by book. I wish I could just put the book under my pillow and absorb everything on one night!
Anyway, just a suggestion Rocky and maybe some other folks will read this and recomend it also.
Thanks for all you do for the .NET Development Community,
Keith aka CyclingFoodmanPA.com - Cycling to fight cancer, one mile at a time! Cycling to support our troops, one mile at a time!
Hi Rocky,
I too would like to see a more comprehensive introduction video in order to guage how much the videos would add to my existing skillset. I am mainly interested in seeing how CSLA.NET is used in the Silverlight environments and the different types of configuration options exist. Thanks again, for the best .NET framework in the world.
I appreciate the feedback, and I understand your concerns.
Producing these segments is time consuming and not free (because
I’ve hired video production services). To some degree I’m waiting
to see if I sell enough copies to at least recoup my costs before investing in
more things like creating a free video segment.
I have thought about providing the Intro segment for free, and I
may yet do that. The challenge is that the Intro segment is mostly slides, and
just a bit of demo. My fear is that people would look at that and think it
representative of the other 6 segments, which are mostly demo and just a bit of
slides. In other words, the Intro segment has very valuable information, but it
might erroneously confirm your worries.
So I’m stuck with the idea of either offering The Basics
free (because it is mostly demo with some slides), or producing a whole other
segment for promotional purposes.
Though I wonder if I could do a “montage” –
take bits of several segments and string them together into a 5-10 minute video
that provides a better flavor for the depth of content. That might be a
thought. Especially if I overlay it with 80’s pop music :)
I like the idea of a "montage" with bits of several segments. I guess this shows the age difference though! I was thinking of 70's classic rock music - Doobie Brothers, Led Zeppelin, Wishbone Ash, ZZ Top, The Eagles, etc. :) I know, I am showing my age, but I am over 50 and hangin' in there! Trying to hang in for another 50 years.
I would go for it as long it is with a version of BONEY M - ROKCY IS COOL
The sound seems to disappear on Client Arch wmv between 40:30 and 41:25 approx. May be by design?
No, I don’t think that’s by design. I’ll
forward this to my producer to see what happened.
Unfortunately his wife spent most of this week in the hospital
and their lives are undergoing a major change, so it may take him some time
before he can look at this – I’m somewhat unhappy with the delay,
but mostly I’m sending them as many best wishes as I can. While I don’t
feel like I should divulge the nature of the issue, I can say that profound life-changing
things like this are a reminder how incredibly fortunate most of us are to have
the lives we have.
But I really appreciate the feedback, and we’ll get this video
issue sorted out.
From: davido_xml [mailto:cslanet@lhotka.net]
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 8:01 AM
To: rocky@lhotka.net
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] RE: CSLA .NET for Silverlight video series
pre-purchase deal
The sound seems to disappear on Client Arch wmv between 40:30 and 41:25
approx. May be by design?
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