Databinding Parent / Child Collection on two forms

Databinding Parent / Child Collection on two forms

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xAvailx posted on Friday, April 17, 2009

CSLA 3.6.1 > WinForms.

I have what I think is a common scenario that need some advice on.

Lets say:
Invoice (Editable Root Parent)
Lines (Editable Child Collection)
Line (Editable Child)

Two Forms:

Detail Form - Invoice Detail Screen. Can Save, Cancel.

List Form - Items List Screen with a Grid. Can Ok, Cancel.

In terms of BindingSources, I believe all I need is one BindingSource on the Detail Screen. Were I am running into problems is on the List Form. Do I use one BindingSource and bind to the Child Collection? Or do I need two BindingSources, one for the parent and one for the child collection even though I am only editing the child collection.

Any ideas/tips/samples or pointers to a book excerpt is appreciated.

Edit: Forgot to mention, the problems I am seeing are errors with the edit levels.

Adalton4 replied on Monday, April 20, 2009

Same scenario, (also mentioned in another post,) same problems with editlevels,... anyone?

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