CSLA Silverlight Data Read Performance Firefox Vs IE7

CSLA Silverlight Data Read Performance Firefox Vs IE7

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/6852.aspx

FraggleRocks posted on Sunday, April 26, 2009

Not a question really, but thought I would post this as it may save someone some time....

I was concerned about the preformance we were experiencing fetching about 5 rows of data.  The Silverlight page was displayed quickly, but the data refreshed about 2.5 seconds later.  We are using CSLA, Silverlight and LINQ connected to a SQL Server Database.  The delay is seen in when the "Default Browser" is Firefox.

Intersestingly the same code running under Inernet-Explorer is performant in that there is no obvious delay on data read to the user.  I have not profiled this to find the cause, but thought it may save someone some time when investingating performance

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